International Polar Bear Day is February 27. Join us in celebrating International Polar Bear Day by sharing your commitment to protecting polar bear moms and cubs with someone special.
To help us raise awareness about polar bear conservation and this annual event, we are offering a “International Polar Bear Day” eCard during the days leading up to International Polar Bear Week. We invite you to make a donation during the check-out process.
The environmentally-friendly eCard is emailed to someone you’d like to tell about —no shipping required and therefore no associated carbon footprint! Please remember to fill out the “recipient name” and “recipient email” with the person to receive the eCard. You can personalize the”eCard Email Subject,” “eCard Message,” and “Delivery Date.”
Thank you for helping us share the message! #PolarBearWeek #ProtectMomsAndCubs
All eCards and donations are processed in U.S. dollars, and tax receipts are only available for U.S. supporters.